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00:00 / 01:04

Story summary: Leo is a child born without fingers on his right hand. He has a dream of becoming a painter. His mother sent him to school to learn painting. In the painting class, Leo, who has no fingers, used another method to draw a very beautiful painting.

Broadcast time: 2022-03-05

Listen to the story:

Theme: Inclusion, Helping Others, Creativity, Art

Translated by:

Voice performances: Ah-Li, Xiao-Cheng, Xiao-Er, Xiao-Er's mother, Bosco, Bianca

(Based on original story HỌA SĨ TÈO NHÍ (Vietnamese), written by Dương Ngọc Tú Quỳnh, illustrated by Nguyễn Minh Hải, published by Room to Read (© Room to Read, 2015) under a CC BY 4.0 license on StoryWeaver. Read, create and translate stories for free on

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